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60 degrees.

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Q: What is the measure of each exterior angle one angle at each vertex of a regular hexagon?
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What is the measure of an exterior angle adjacent to the vertex angle?

It is: 180-vertex angle = exterior angle

How do you draw lines of symmetry lines in a regular hexagon?

From each vertex to its opposite vertex. These will be centered on a shared point at the center of the hexagon. Each complete line will be a line of symmetry for the hexagon.

How many degree angle does regular hexagon has?

For any regular polygon, the sum of the exterior angles = 360°The interior angle = 180° - (exterior angle).So, interior angle (of a vertex) = 180° - (360° / N)Where N is the number of vertices (which is also the number of sides).For a hexagon, Interior angle = 180° - (360° / 6) = 180° - 60° = 120°See the related link at

How do you split a hexagon in thirds?

In general, it is virtually impossible. Regular or semi-regular hexagons can be split into thirds by joining every other vertex to the centre of the hexagon.

Is the measure of an exterior angle at the vertex of a polygon equals the measure of the adjacent interior angle?

No. The interior angle and exterior angle at the same vertex are supplementary. Each of them is (180 degrees minus the other). In rectangles (including squares), the interior and exterior angles at each vertex are both right angles.

What is the sum of the measures of the exterior angles one at each vertex of a convex 140-gon A hexagon?

The exterior angles of any polygon always add up to 360 degrees

The measure of an exterior angle at the vertex of a polygon equals the measure of the adjacent interior angle?

Very rarely.

How do you determine the size of the angles of a regular hexagon?

The sum of exterior angles of any polygon= 360degreeA hexagon has 6 sides, hence 6 vertices. At each vertex there is a linear pair of one exterior angle and one interior angle. So, we get 6 exerior angles.Therefore, each exterior angle = 360 degree/6= 60 degree.Hence, each interior angle= (180 - 60) degree= 120 degree.

If you make half of a hexagon what shape do you get?

a square ----------- Assuming it's a regular hexagon, it can be one of two shapes depending on whether you cut it in half on a side or on a vertex. On a side, it is an irregular pentagon. On a vertex, it is a trapezoid (quadrilateral).

What is the sum of the measures of its exterior angles one at each vertex of a regular n-gon?


What is the measure of the exterior angle of a 13 sided polygon if the interior angles vertex is 55 degrees?

If an interior angle is 55 deg, the corresponding exterior angle is 125 deg. This has nothing to do with the number of sides of the polygon (unless it is a regular polygon).

Do you divide the height of the hexagon when you are make it in to a trapezoid?

The answer depends on whether or not the hexagon is regular, partly regular or totally irregular. In the last case it will not help. It also depends on whether you start off with a regular hexagon standing with one vertex above another or standing on one of its sides!