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Mathematically - A regular pentagon has interior angles and sides equal. Bisecting each interior angle and extending a line segment to the center gives you five equal angles (360o/5=72o). Using the triangle formed by two line segements and a side of the pentagon we know the sum of interior angles of each triangle equals (180o) and we know one angle is 72o. The sum the other two interior angles of each triangle equals (180o-72o=108o) which equals each interior angle of the pentagon (equal to the sum of these two angles). Thus the exterior angle of each corner of the pentagon equals (360o-108o=252o). :-)

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Q: What is the measure of one of the exterior angles of regular pentagon?
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A regular pentagon has how many angles?

Every pentagon, regular or not, has five interior angles and five exterior angles.

How do you work out the sum of exterior angles for a pentagon?

all regular polygons (such as a pentagon) have the sum of their exterior angles = 360 degrees

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the exterior angles of a pentagon add up to 540 degrees

What is the sum of the measure of the exterior angles of a pentagon?

Answer: 360º

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pentagon because it has an obtuse angle and a square has right angles- Actually, a regular pentagon has larger interiorangles, however, for exterior angles, a square beats a regular pentagon, because all exterior angles of a shape equals 360 degrees. A square has 4 angles, and 360/4= 90. A regular pentagon has 5 angles, and 360/5=72. If the pentagon isn't regular, then one exterior angle can be larger than 90 degrees.

What are the interior and exterior angles of a regular pentagon?

72 degrees and 288 degrees respectively.the exterior angles of a pentagon add up to 540 degrees

What are the exterior angles of a 5 sided polygon?

The sum of the exterior angles of a n-gon is 360 degrees, whatever the vaue of n. If the polygon is regular, these exterior angles have the same measure, so each is 360/n degrees. So a regular pentagon has exterior angles of 360/5 = 72 degrees.

What is the measure of the exterior of a pentagon?

The 5 exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

The exterior angle of a regular pentagon?

The five interior angles of a regular pentagon are all 72º. For each angle to be closed, one of the arms must travel through 360 - 72 degrees. So the exterior angles of a regular pentagon are 360 - 72 = 288º

What is the measure of the exterior angles of a pentagon?

The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon must be 360 degrees. Subject to that constraint, individual angles can have any measure between 0 and 360 degrees.

What is the total measure of the exterior angle of a pentagon with solution?

The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360 degrees.