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Q: What is the median of numbers 10 8 4 5 8 6 12 1?
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Find the median 12 8 5 6 1 10 13 11?

The middle two numbers are 8 and 10 so the median is 9.

How do you find the median in mathematics?

List the numbers in order. If there is an ODD number of numbers, the median is the number in the middle (eg if there are 11 numbers listed, the median is the (11+1)÷2 = 6th number). If there is an EVEN number of numbers, the median is the mean of the middle two (eg if there are 12 numbers listed, the median is the mean of the (12÷2) = 6th and the 6th+1 = 7th numbers, ie (6th+7th)÷2.)

What is the median of 1 and 5 and 5 and 8 and 10 and 12 and 13 and 14?

The median of 1 and 5 and 5 and 8 and 10 and 12 and 13 and 14 is I think it is 8 and a half.

What are thre numbers with a range of 10 and a median of 6?

1, 6, and 11

What are median of 12 10 19 6 14?

The median is the number that will be in the middle when you put the numbers in to order.So if we order those numbers we get:6, 10, 12, 14, 19There are 5 numbers here so the median will be the 3rd number in our ordered list (you can divide by 2 and round up to the nearest whole number to know which is the middle number when there are an odd number of numbers such as 5; i.e. 5 /2 = 2.5 which rounds up to 3).The median is 12.Please note: if there are an even number of numbers (let's say there were 6 numbers instead of 5) then the median will be the average of the middle two numbers.Example: Let's add the number 20 to our list of numbers.After ordering you have:6, 10, 12, 14, 19 , 20.As there are 6 numbers now (an even number) we have to take the middle two numbers, which are 12 and 14 (You should divide the number of numbers by 2 and use this and this plus 1 to determine which are the middle numbers. e.g. 6 /2 = 3 and 3 + 1 = 4, so the middle numbers will be the 3rd & 4th) and add them together and then divide by 2.12 + 14 = 2626/2 = 13So the median for these 6 numbers is 13.

Related questions

Find the median 12 8 5 6 1 10 13 11?

The middle two numbers are 8 and 10 so the median is 9.

What is the median of the following list of numbers 4 5 7 9 10 12?

To find the median of the numbers 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 12, you have to list the numbers from least to greatest and then find the middle number. So if you count them out or cross 1 number from each side, (4-12, 5-10) you're left with 7-9 as middle numbers / center numbers. Because the middle numberS is 7 and 9, you have to find what's between it to find the median. And we all know between 7 and 9, there is 8. So 8 is your median.

How do you find the median in mathematics?

List the numbers in order. If there is an ODD number of numbers, the median is the number in the middle (eg if there are 11 numbers listed, the median is the (11+1)÷2 = 6th number). If there is an EVEN number of numbers, the median is the mean of the middle two (eg if there are 12 numbers listed, the median is the mean of the (12÷2) = 6th and the 6th+1 = 7th numbers, ie (6th+7th)÷2.)

10 5 12 6 13 8 11 1 what is the median?

1 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 The median (or middle number) is 9.

What is the median of 1 and 5 and 5 and 8 and 10 and 12 and 13 and 14?

The median of 1 and 5 and 5 and 8 and 10 and 12 and 13 and 14 is I think it is 8 and a half.

What is the median of the set of numbers 1 4 9 15 25 36?

The median is 9 Actually I believe that it is 12.

What are thre numbers with a range of 10 and a median of 6?

1, 6, and 11

What is the median between 1 and 10?

5.5 is the median when your two numbers are 1 and 10. There are two ways of getting it. Add both numbers and divide by 2 or find the number half way between the two.

What are median of 12 10 19 6 14?

The median is the number that will be in the middle when you put the numbers in to order.So if we order those numbers we get:6, 10, 12, 14, 19There are 5 numbers here so the median will be the 3rd number in our ordered list (you can divide by 2 and round up to the nearest whole number to know which is the middle number when there are an odd number of numbers such as 5; i.e. 5 /2 = 2.5 which rounds up to 3).The median is 12.Please note: if there are an even number of numbers (let's say there were 6 numbers instead of 5) then the median will be the average of the middle two numbers.Example: Let's add the number 20 to our list of numbers.After ordering you have:6, 10, 12, 14, 19 , 20.As there are 6 numbers now (an even number) we have to take the middle two numbers, which are 12 and 14 (You should divide the number of numbers by 2 and use this and this plus 1 to determine which are the middle numbers. e.g. 6 /2 = 3 and 3 + 1 = 4, so the middle numbers will be the 3rd & 4th) and add them together and then divide by 2.12 + 14 = 2626/2 = 13So the median for these 6 numbers is 13.

When is the average median and mode the same?

The average, median and mode of a list of numbers will be the same when the middle (or mean of the two middle numbers) is equal to the most common number in the list, and that number is also the mean. This assumes that the list has only a single mode. If you arrange such a list of numbers from least to greatest, the mode value will be grouped at the middle of the list, thus becoming the median as well. The average of the non-median values will be equal to the median/mode. Given a target mean/median/mode and a list length, you can construct an infinite number of lists that qualify. Here are some examples: 10 10 10 10 10 (or any list of only one number) 11 12 12 12 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9

What is the median for 3and4and 6and 12?

your median would be 5 if you have an even amount of numbers you take n/2 and (n/2)+1 and average them together n=how many numbers you have so 4 4/2= the second number and (4/2)+1= the third number 4+6=10 10/2=5

What is the median of the following numbers 3 2 9 12 6 8 1?

Use the definition of median: sort the numbers from smallest to largest, then choose the number in the middle.