

Best Answer

Girls' names

  1. Sophia
  2. Isabella
  3. Olivia
  4. Emma
  5. Chloe
  6. Ava
  7. Lily
  8. Madison
  9. Addison
  10. Abigail
Boys' names
  1. Aiden
  2. Jacob
  3. Jackson
  4. Ethan
  5. Jayden
  6. Noah
  7. Logan
  8. Caden
  9. Lucas
  10. Liam
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Q: What is the most popular name in the world now?
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What is the most popular girl name right now?

Megan Anna, or Emma and no these r not my name they really r the most popular!

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The most popular baby girl name is Emily for 2010. Katie, 11

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Kaitlyn is a pretty popular name now a days. Their are Kaitlyns all over the world!

Most popular boys names from 2000-2005?

The most popular name from 2000 to 2010 was "Jacob". That is my name. Now, in 2010, the most popular name has changed from "Jacob" to something else. I'm not sure what name though.

What is the most popular name right now?

Girls' namesSophiaIsabellaOliviaEmmaChloeAvaLilyMadisonAddisonAbigailBoys' namesAidenJacobJacksonEthanJaydenNoahLoganCadenLucasLiam

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Is soccer the first popular sport in the world?

No, soccer was not the first popular sport in the world. Although not the first, it is now the most popular sport in the world. The first popular sport was baseball.

What animals are popular right now?

They most popular house pet would be cat and dog. But the most popular animal at the zoo would be either a loin or elephant.

What are the most popular elite socks?

Right now, custom elite socks are the most popular. You can get you team name, logo, and colors on elite sport socks.

Who is the most popular author in the world at present?

i think the most popular author is cornelia funke!But Stephanie Meyer is also really popular now...I mean...Twilight was and still is a big hit...