There is no "English" number system. The numerals commonly used with written English and many other languages, that look like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, are called Arabic numerals because they are derived from numerals used by the Arabs, who invented the numeral for "nothing", the zero. The next most commonly used numerals are the Roman Numerals, which look like I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X and so forth.
Trinary would be the name of a base 3 number system.
In the English language, it is four.
binary system
Multiply it by twelve
The binary system is the name given to the base-2 number system.
The Arabic system
what is pike
nombre = name
the number 4 is the only number in the English language that has the same number of letters in its name as its meaning
Female name in English.
any number is divided by 3 and times by 2
Trinary would be the name of a base 3 number system.
lever system=rahat
The American number system is called the Hindu Arabic system and is the numbers 0123456789
For the decimal number system . . . 'Ten'. For the binary number system . . . 'Two' For the octal number system . . . 'Eight' For the hexidecimal number system . . . 'Sixteen' . . etc.
In the Dewey system, dictionaries are 103. Specifically, an English Dictionary is 423.