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The supplementary angle of the triangle.

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Q: What is the name of the third angle in a triangle?
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What is the angle opposite the base angles of an isosceles triangle?

The third angle of an isosceles triangle doesn't have a name.

What is the name of a triangle that has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angels and the third angle obtuse?

The triangle is an isosceles triangle.

How are the exterior angle and the third angle in a triangle related?

i know it has a flat edged name curved bottom and a name for both is tripor

What is the measure of the third angle of the triangle?

The third angle of a triangle is equal to 180 degrees minus (the sum of the first two angles).

If two angles of a triangle are copmplimentary what is the measure of the third angle?

Two angles of a triangle add up to 65°. What is the measure of the third angle?

What is the name of a triangle with an angle that is a right angle?

a right triangle

What is the angle of a triangle is 75degrees and the other one is 75degrees?

The third angle is 30 degrees and it is an isosceles triangle.

An isosceles triangle has two 50 angle What is the third angle?


What is the third angle of a triangle if the other angles are 48 and 29?

As the sum of angles is a triangle is 180°, the third angle is 180-48-19=103°

What is the measure of the third angle of a triangle if one angle measures 52 degrees?

The third angle is (128 degrees) minus (the second angle).

What is a triangle with angle of 37 degree's and 75 degree's?

The third angle is 68 degrees which makes it a scalene triangle

What is a 30 and 60 degrees triangle called?

The third angle is 90 degrees so it is right angle triangle.