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Q: What is the nearest decimal number to 20?
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Round 19.53 to nearest number?

20. since the number after the decimal point is over fifty, it rounds up tp 20

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What is 9.3 rounded to the nearest decimal number?

9.3 rounded to the nearest decimal number is 9.3

What is 17.64 rounded to the nearest whole number?

if the first number after the decimal is 5 or greater, it rounds up to18It is 18 when rounded to the nearest whole number

What is 2.25 to the nearest decimal?

The nearest decimal number is 2.25 since, for with other decimal number, it is possible to find infinitely man decimal numbers which are nearer to 2.25

What decimal numbers are nearest to 20?

If you give me a finite list of numbers, I can spot the one from your list that's nearest to 20. But out of the whole universe of numbers, there's no such thing as one that's nearest to 20. If you walk in with a number which you claim is the nearest possible one to 20, I can always find a different number that's nearer to 20 than yours is. All I need to do is: -- Find the difference between your number and 20. -- Take any number that's smaller than that difference. -- Add it to 20. -- Voila ! Nearer than yours.

What is 19.96 rounded to the nearest whole number?

Since your decimal is higher than .500 you round up to the next whole number, in this case it is 20.

What is the nearest to 0.39 and 0.34?

The nearest number to 0.39 is 0.4, and the nearest number to 0.34 is 0.3.

What is 20 divided by 30 as a decimal to the nearest tenth?

It is 0.7

What is 3.041666667 rounded up to the nearest decimal point?

There is no such thing as the nearest decimal point - since there is only one decimal point. To the nearest whole number, the value is 3.

What is the answer of the nearest whole number of 0.786?

The decimal '0.786' once rounded to the nearest whole number is '1'.

What is 2.5 as a decimal rounded to the nearest whole number?

2.5 when rounded to the nearest whole number is 3