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Q: What is the nth term formula for the triangle numbers 1 3 6 10 15 21?
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The Nth term formula for oblong numbers is N = N(N+1)

What is the Nth Term Formula for hexagonal Numbers?

it is 6n

What is the nth term formula of prime numbers?

There is no formula for prime numbers. They form a random sequence.

What is the Nth term for a triangle number?

The Nth term for a triangle number is: 0.5n(n+1)

What is the Nth term formula for rectangular numbers?

There is no such formula. Rectangular numbers are composite numbers and there is no known formula that will generate either composite numbers or prime numbers.

What are the first 4 terms of the sequence which has the nth term formula?

the first 4 terms of the sequence which has the nth term is a sequence of numbers that that goe together eg. 8,12,16,20,24 the nth term would be 4n+4

What is the formula for the hypotenuse length of the nth triangle in a Theodorus Spiral?

The hypotenuse of the nth triangle has a length of sqrt(n+1)

When finding the nth term won't it be a number not a formula?

No, it will be a formula, because "the nth term" means that you have not defined exactly which term it is. So, you make a formula which works for ANY term in the sequence.

What is the formula for the nth term of this sequence 26 17 8 -1?

It is: nth term = 35-9n

What is the nth term of 26122030?

At least two or more numbers are needed to work out the nth term

What is the nth term of 4 12 20 28?

The nth term of the sequence is expressed by the formula 8n - 4.

What is the formula for the nth Term of these sequences 13 21 29 37 45 ...?

nth term = 5 +8n