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Q: What is the number 2.4 in the form of a fraction using integers to show it's a rational number?
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What is a number that can be written as AA fraction using integers called?

That's a 'rational' number.

How Write the number 2.4 in the form using integers to show that it is a rational number.?

2.4 expressed as an improper fraction is 12/5 thus proving that it is a rational number

Write the number 2.4 in the form using integers to show that it is a rational number.?

2.4 is a rational number because it can be expressed as an improper fraction in the form of 12/5

Write the number 2.4 in the form , using integers, to show that it is a rational number.?

2.4 is a rational number because it can be expressed as an improper fraction in the form of 12/5

What is the number 3.8 in the form mc004-1jpg using integers to show that it is a rational number?

3.8 is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction in the form of 19/5 in its simplest form.

Can all rational number be written as a fraction?

Yes. That in itself is the definition of a rational number. A rational number is one that can be expressed through a ratio of two integers using an integer numerator and denominator (so in simple terms, a fraction). A rational number is able to be written as a terminating decimal.

Is one third irrational?

No. One-third is a rational number. Any number that can be represented as a fraction using integers, like 1/3, 7/982, 67/5, etc. is rational.

Is 3 divided a rational number?

A rational number is one that can be written as a ratio - or fraction - between two integers. All integers can be written in the form (integer) / 1, and are therefore rational.

What is the number 1.8 in the form using integers to show that it is a rational number?


Why is 247 an rational number?

Because it can be written as one whole number divided by another whole number.Would you like to see that ?247/1Any number that you can completely write down, using digits, a decimal point, and a fraction bar, is a rational number. It looks like you accomplished that.

How do you write the number 0.5 in the form using integers to show that it is a rational number?


What numbers are rational numbers?

A rational number is any number that can be made by dividing one integer by another.0.5 is a rational number as it can be made by dividing the number 1 by the number 22 is a rational number because it can be made by dividing 2 by 1-6.6 is a rational number because it can be made by dividing -66 by 10---------------------------------------------------------Note there are number that are called irrational numbers. Irrational numbers are all "real" numbers (numbers with a decimal point) that cannot be written as a simple fraction - the decimal goes on forever without repeating.For instance the number Pi is an irrational number.A rational number is a real number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Another way to think about it is this: if you can write a number as a fraction then it's a rational number.