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Q: What is the number equal to 6 raised to the second power?
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Why is a number raised to the second power called squared?

because it is equal

Find the number equal to 6 raised to the second power?

Any number raised to the second power means it is multiplied by itself two times. Thus 6 to the second power is: 6x6=136

What does a number raised to the power of 1 equal?

Any number raised to the power of 1 is equal to itself.

What is nine to the second power equal?

81 A number raised to the second power is the number multipled by itself twice (9*9). A number raised to the third power, is the number multipled by itself 3 times (9*9*9) and so on.

What is the equal to 6 raised to the second power?

6 raised to the second power is equal to 36.

What is a number raised to the second power?

A number raised to the second power is a number times itself. This can also be stated as a number squared.

What is equal to 6 raised to the second power?

36 is.

What does a number raised to the power of 0 equal?

Any number raised to the power 0 equals 1.

Any nonzero number raised to the power of zero is equal to?

Any nonzero number raised to the power of zero is equal to one (1).By definition.

What does any nonzero raised to the zero power equal?

Any number raised to the power of zero is always equal to 1

Why is there an inconsistency between zero raised to the power of zero?

The inconsistency is the following:Any number raised to the power zero is equal to one.Zero raised to any power is equal to zero.

When you multiply a number by itself you raise the number to the second-?

It is raised to the second power