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Let a be any term. Then, the number that is multiplied itself is expressed as:

an where a is any real value, and n is any real integer.

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Q: What is the number or expression in a power that is mutipled by itself?
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What is the number or expression in a power that is multiplied by itself?

What is the number or expression in a power that is multiplied by itself

What is a number that indicates how many times a number or expression is to be multiplied by itself?

It is called a power. If the power is 2, it is read as "squared and if the power is 3 it is read as "cubed", otherwise is is read as "to the power of ..."

A number or expression that is raised to a power?


What is one to the fourth power?

One to any power is still one. If the power is positive, you have 1 times itself over and over again, so it does not change. If the power is zero, the answer is always one, no matter the number. If the power is negative, you find the reciprocal of the expression and make the power positive. If the base of the exponential expression is 1, it is always one.

What does the word power mean in maths?

In mathematics, the word "power" usually refers to an operation where a number is multiplied by itself a certain number of times. For example, in the expression "2 to the power of 3," 2 is multiplied by itself three times, resulting in 2 * 2 * 2 = 8. The number being multiplied is called the base, and the number of times it is multiplied is called the exponent.

What is the number or expression in a power that is used as a factor in repeated multiplication?

Base of a power

What in a power the number used as a factor?

In a power expression, you have two numbers.The number written normally (to the left) is called the BASE. That's what tells you what factor you should multiply by itself. The small raised number (to the right) tells you how often the factor is used. It's called the EXPONENT.

What is 7 to the power of 1?

Any number to the power of one is the number itself.

What is 10 to the 1 power as a factor?

Any number to the first power is the number itself.

What is the value of all numbers with the power of 1?

A number to the first power is the number itself.

What is 10 to the power of one?

10. Any number to the power of 1 is that number itself.

What is in a power the number used as a factor?

colol\the base