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Q: What is the numerical expression for 6 added to the quotient of 42 and 21?
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What is the numerical expression for 6 added to the quatient of 42 and 21?

The expression for this type of problem is 6 + (42 / 21). Then, evaluate that by the order of operations to obtain: 6 + 2 = 8

What is the algebraic expression for 1 more than the quotient of 21 and b?

21/b + 1

What is the numerical expression for Three multiplied by seven?

3 x 7 = 21

What is 1 more than the quotient of 21 and b as an algebraic expression?

21b + 1

What is the difference between numerical expression and equation?

a numerical expression is just an expression without any equal or unequal signs, e.g. (a+2b)c or 5x-6y an equation shows two expressions with an equal sign, e.g. (a+2b)c = 53 or 5x-6y = 3k2-7k+21

The qoutient of a number and 21?

The quotient of a number and 21 is the result obtained when you divide the number by 21. For example, if you divide 42 by 21, you get a quotient of 2. If you divide 63 by 21, you get a quotient of 3. And so on. The quotient can be an integer or a decimal number, depending on the numbers you’re dividing.

Divide Give the quotient and remainder of 21 divided by 520?


What is 1 more than the quotient of 21 and b?

1 more than the quotient of 21 and b (This answer sucks)

What is the quotient of 21 and 3?

21/3 = 7

What is the quotient of 21 and 10?

21/10 = 2.1

What is the quotient of 21 and 924?

924/21 = 44

What is the quotient of 21 and 7?

3. The quotient of two numbers is the result of division. In this case, 21 is the dividend, or the number being divided, and 7 is divider, or the number doing the dividing.