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orbit orbit orbit

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Q: What is the path of one object circling another?
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What Path of one object circling another is an?


What it the circling of one object about another?

one complete circular movement made by one object around another object

An object that circles another object?

The object doing the circling is a satellite of the other. The Earth is one of the Sun's satellites.

How do you use orbit as a noun in a sentsece?

The noun orbit is a word for the path taken by one body circling around another body; one complete circle that makes up that path. A noun functions as the subject of a subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition. Example:The Soviet satellite Sputnik made the first orbit of the earth by a man-made object.

The curved path of one object around another?

An orbit.

What is the total path length transverse by an object in moving from one point to another?

the object's displacement.

What 2 reasons explain why an object orbits another object?

1) The path of one object orbiting another object is a straight path in a curved space time. 2) The curvature of space time is caused by the mass of the objects.

How can hyperlinks help navigate around a webpage?

Hyperlink is selectable object which points to another object with the help of path information of that object. This another object is the webpage. Hyperlinks on the different web page, will help visitors to move from one place to another place for finding specific things on the website very easily.

Is the sun an orbit?

No, the sun is an object. A fairly ordinary star. An orbit is the closed circular path taken by an object around another object. The suns orbit is the path it takes around the galactic centre. A journey of some 250 million years to complete one orbit. In comparison the earths orbit around the sun takes one year.

How do you know that a moving object is accelerate?

Either one of the following observations tells you that an object is accelerating: -- Three points in the object's path are not in a straight line. -- The distance the object travels in a period of time is not the same as the distance it travels in another period of the same duration.

What does path independence of line integral physically mean?

For a physical meaning, take potential energy as an example. To raise an object from one position to another position one meter higher takes a certain amount of energy - the potential energy of the object increases. The amount of energy is independent of the path the object takes - whether it goes straight up, in zigzag, etc.

What energy is acting upon an object traveling in a parabola?

If an object is moving at a constant speed in a gravitational field then its path will be parabolic. For example, if one player throws a ball to another player (and we ignore air resistance) the ball will trace out a parabolic path under the influence of gravity.