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It is: 1 and 1/4 = 1.25 and 1.25*100 = 125%

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Q: What is the percent of 1 whole and 1 over 4?
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How many phonemes in the word flight?


Will you marry me in sign language?

1. make the sign of the question mark 2. point with the whole hand to the person 3. point with the whole hand to yourself 4. make 2 C shapes with both hands, and circle them one atop of the other with the palms facing; now clasp them together

How do you write a third speaker debate speech?

To write a third speaker debating speech:1. You need to start it off addressing the chairperson and then the audience: "Chairperson, ladies and gentlemen".2. Do not begin your speech by saying "today's debate is..." as the chairperson has already informed the audience of the topic.3. Your opening is vital if you hope to capture the audience's attention. Work hard on preparing an interesting opening.4. An interesting opening and a forceful conclusion are important elements of a successful debating speech. It's worth memorising these.5. Don't thank the audience- they will thank you with a round of applause.Third speaker of affirmative:1. Speaks after second Negative.2. Concludes argument of Affirmative team.3. Rebuts arguements of second Negative and whole Negative team.4. Summarises whole argument of Affirmative team.Third speaker of negative:1. Speaks after third affirmative.2. Stresses main points of negative argument. (Cannot raise any new points)3. Rebuts arguements of third affirmative, and whole affirmative team.4. Summarises whole argument of Negative team.

How many phonemes in the word fright?

There are four phonemes.

How many sound are in the word brush?

4 sounds