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The period is ' 1 ' divided by the frequency. (The reciprocal of the frequency.)

The question tells us the frequency . . . "3 per second".

So the period is 1/3rd of a second .

Having the frequency, the wavelength doesn't give us any more information (except that

now we know the speed of the wave, but that's irrelevant at the moment.)

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Q: What is the period of the wave having waves at a rate of 3 per second and wavelength of 2cm?
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The speed of the wave can be calculated using the formula: speed = wavelength / period. In this case, the wavelength is 10 meters and the period is 2.0 seconds. Therefore, the speed of the waves is 5 m/s.

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Speed, wavelength, frequency, period, amplitude, intensity.

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When more waves pass through a reference point in a given period of time, the wavelength remains the same. The wavelength of a wave is determined by the source that produces it, and passing more waves through a point does not change the wavelength.

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