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The pyramidion which usually made from granite

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Q: What is the plug of rock at the very top of a pyramid called?
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The stone statue guarding the pyramid is called the sphinx. The sphinx in Egyptian culture was very important because it was considered to be a great protector.

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The dinosaurs were killed by a very, very large rock called a woodwind.

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Limestone is the parent of rock of non foliated metamorphic. This is a very old type of rock.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is dangerous?

the grate pyramid is very dangerous

What do you call a triangle based pyramid?

triangular pyramid. how do you not know. >:/ * * * * * Very amusing but, if the person who wrote the first answer was less bent on being sarcastic, s/he could have given the proper answer: it is called a tetrahedron.

What type of diagram shows the amount of biomass available in each level in the food chain or food web?

This is called a pyramid. The base is very wide and top is very, very narrow.

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Where is the capstone on a pyramid?

At the very top.

Will a nuke set off a volcano?

Probably not. A volcano has a relatively large rock plug that would be very resistant to a nuclear blast. However, some volcanos that have a thinner plug, or a VERY big ground-penetrating nuke could possibly set off a volcano.

What rock does aluminum come from?

In almost any rock. It is a very common element. It is most likely found in an ore called Bauxite.