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The answer depends on who he or she is. If it was someone who quit the company because of its allowance then it is quite likely that he or she is not content. Also, people may not use all of their vacation allowance because their partner's vacation did not overlap. Or it could be that the vacation allowance is usually during peak holiday season when prices are at their highest and maybe they could not afford to take advantage of the full allowance. But, if the allowance was greater, it may give a better overlap with the partner's allowance or go into some off-peak period.

It would, therefore, be foolish to assume that just because someone did not use up all their allowance they were content with it.

If you want the probability that a RANDOMLY selected employee was content wit the holiday allowance, then the best estimate is 68.75%.

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Q: What is the probability that he or she is content with the vacation allowance when there is 400 employees and 113 of those studied did not use all of their vacation days and 125 of those wanted more?
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