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Q: What is the product of 3 and one third?
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What is one third of a third?

of means "times" or multiply, so this is the product of 1/3 and a. This can only be written as 1/3a or 1/3(a) or a/3.

What two fractions have the same product as one third?

1/3 1/2 = 2/6 which is 1/3

What is one third times three eighths?

The product of 1/3 times 3/8 is 3/24 or 1/8 in its lowest terms

What is the product of one third and three fourth?

1/3 x 3/4 = 1/4

What is bigger one third or one quarter?

One-third .

What is the product of 5 minus 2 and one third?


What is one third of 9?

3 the answer is 3

Is one third and one third and one third a cup?

yes; 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 or 1 cup

How could you use the product of one third and 300 to find then product of one sixth and 300?

The second is half of the first.

What is 3 wholes and one third equal to?

3 wholes and one-third = 3 1/3 = 10/3

What is one third times 3?

One third times three is one. 1/3 + 1/3 +1/3 = 3/3 or 1 1/3 * 3/1 = 3/3 or 1

What is the product of 2.25 and one and one third?

Answer 1: 2.25 × 11/3 = 3. Answer 2: 2.25 is the same as writing 2 1/4. So 2 1/4 x 1 1/3 = 9/3 or