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A tuning fork set into vibration.

It's the movement of sound through the air or other medium.

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Q: What is the propagation of sound waves?
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What is the type of waves of the propagation of sound in air- Longtudinal or Transversal?

The type of waves for the propagation of sound in air is longitudinal. Longitudinal waves are characterized by the vibration of particles in the same direction as the wave's propagation. In the case of sound waves, air molecules move back and forth in the direction of the sound wave as it travels through the air.

What is the study of the propagation and production of sound waves?


Do sound sound waves travel up or down and back or forth?

Back and forth in the direction of propagation of the sound waves.

Why Sound waves are mechanical waves?

Sound waves are mechanical waves because they require a medium for their propagation .They are also called longitudinal mechanics because they vibrate in the direction of propagation of wave and and produces compression and vibrations like that of longitudinal waves

What does the propagation of sound waves in a gas involve?

Compression waves, like a shock front.

What it sound propagation?

Sound is a sequence of waves of pressure which propagates through compressible media such as air or water. (Sound can propagate through solids as well, but there are additional modes of propagation). During their propagation, waves can be reflected, refracted, or attenuated by the medium. The purpose of this experiment is to examine what effect the characteristics of the medium have on sound.

Why do sound wave require a medium to travel?

Sound waves are mechanical waves and all mechanical waves require a material medium for its propagation unlike electromagnectic waves

The propagation of sound waves in gas involves?

Adiabatic compression & rarefaction.

What is the study of the production and propagation of sound waves?

That'd be acoustics

Do air particles travel with sound sound waves?

since sound needs a medium for its propagation , it requires air particles to travel along with its waves.

What is transversal waves?

Wave is a propagation of oscillations of some physical parameter (perturbation of pressure, mass density, electrical or magnetic fields...). If oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of propagation - the wave is transverse (for example - electromagnetic wave). If physical parameter oscillates along the propagation direction - the wave is longitudinal(Sound).

Why aren't sound waves called transverse waves?

Because they are longitudinal waves. The direction of oscillation of the particles is parallel to the direction of propagation of the waves.