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Q: What is the puckered opening between the two legs called?
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What is the puckered opening between the legs called?

That is called the anus, the opening where fecal matter exits the body. The majority of animals have that or something similar. Birds and at least one mammal have a cloaca instead, and that is an opening for urination, defecation, mating, and laying eggs.

Why are elephants teats between their front legs rather than between back legs like cattle?

beause the mothers vaginal opening is between her hind legs to reduce the distance the calf drops at birth therefor leaving no space between her back legs for an udder

The space between the legs is called?

The space between the legs is called the pubic area. Other associated anatomical structures are the perineum and the anus.

What is the thing called that sticks out between your legs?

its called a pervert

How do you sew together a turkey?

the process is called trussing. get a trussing needle with special thread and sew the opening between the thighs then thread the legs to the thighs. usually for more uniform cooking or to hold in stuffing

What do girls have between their legs?

"There are 3 holes- the anus the urethra and the vagina" You don't pee out of your vagina. The third hole is the urethra, and it is further to the front than your vaginal opening. You wouldn't want to put a finger in it because bladder infections are easy to get and terribly painful.

What is called after your vagina and before your between your legs?

Between the vaginia and the anus is called the Perineum There are many slang terms but this is the medical term

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Whose legs are in the opening of sex and the city?

Carrie Bradshaw

What is the name of swimming flotation devices used in swimming?

it is called a but it between your legs

What are birds legs called?

Well the legs are called legs but their toes are called Talons which as people we call claws.hope this answered your question.