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If you are referring to normalization of floating point numbers, it is to maintain the most precision of the number possible. Leading zeros in floating point representation is lost precision, thus normalization removes the leading zeros by shifting left and adjusting the exponent. If the calculation was done in a hidden extended precision register (like IEEE 80-bit format) extra precision bits may be shifted in to the LSBs before restoring the result to a standard single or double precision register, reducing loss of precision.

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What are the role of normalisation in dbms?

with this normalisation only we reduce redudency

What are the disadvantages of normalisation?

When we use Normalisation it does not allow some of the modifications of the database. Another disadvantage of Normalisation is that it is only applicable in the Relational Database Management System.

What is the difference between normalisation and denormalisation?

Hi, Normalisation is used to reduce the redundancy of database. So, we divide the the data into smaller tables. These tables are related to each other through a relationship. Denormalisation is the reverse process of normalisation. In this we add redundancy of data and grouping of data to optimize the performance.

What normalisation is used in IEEE 754 format?

none, it uses denormalization.

Why is normalisation necessary?

Normalisation is necessary in database because of following:It eliminates data redundancy. Same data do not occur in more than one places.By making use of normalisation query process is easy.Data entry time is saved as the tables are broken down in repeating and not repeating fields.Data modification is made easy.Database becomes more flexibleInconsistent dependency is eliminated

What grade is 114 out of 185?

It is approx 62%. As to the grade, the answer will depend on any normalisation and grade boundaries.

What grade would you make if for missing one out of 15?

You would get 93.3%. The grade might well depend on normalisation.

What is de-normalisation in dbms?

Hi, Denormalisation is the process to read the performance by adding redundancy of data or by grouping of data.

When was data normalisation started using?

It first began being used in 1970, but it was improved and enhanced up to 1974 and was in the form that we now use it.

If you have a 27 out of 30 on a test what grade would you get?

You score 90%. Your grade will depend on the grade boundaries determined by the testing organisation and any other normalisation.

What do the initials CEN stand for?

Actually "CEN" is an acronym and stands for "Comite Europeen de Normalisation" (translated to English this would be similar to "European Committee for Standardization".

What is normalization in DBMS?

Normalisation means make table very effective and usable means make table atomic ,unique primary key,not redundancy etc.