

Best Answer

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that

1 yard = 36 in

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Q: What is the relationship between yards and inches?
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What is the relationship between yards and kilometers?

i donbtknow

How many yards equals 1074 inches?

The conversion between yards and inches are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . 1 yard =36 inches . so,1074 inches =1074/36 yards . thus ,it is equal to 29.833 yards.

How many yards is 50 x 60 inches?

the relationship between yard and inches is given to us . so,1 yard =36 in. Hence,50 in =50 /36 yards and 60 in = 60/36 yards. Thus,50 X60 /36 X36 =2.31 yard 2

What is the difference between 5 yards 2 feet 7 inches and 3 yards 2 feet and 11 inches?

5 yards 2 feet 7 inches works out to 17 feet, seven inches. 3 yards 2 feet and 11 inches is 11 feet, 11 inches. The difference between the two is five feet and eight inches.

What is the difference between the number of inches in a quarter mile and the number of inches in 880 yards?

880 yards is half a mile so the difference between the two distances is a quarter of a mile. 1/4 mile = 1/4*1760 yards = 440 yards = 440*36 inches = 15840 inches.

How many yards are their in 72 inches?

The conversion between yards and inches are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . we know that , 1 yard =36 inches . so , 72 inches = 2yards .

How many inches are there in 2.75 yards?

there are seven and a half feet in two and a half yards.

How many inches in 450 yards?

The conversion between inches and yards are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . now,we know 1 yard =36 inches . that means 450 yards =16200 inches.

How many inches are in 82 yards?

82 yards=2,952 inches

How many inches are in 13.5 yards?

135 inches = 3.75 yards

What is the relationship between inches and miles?

miles is longer. inches is smaller ;)

How many yards is 79 inches?

77 inches is 2.1388888889 yards. 77 inches is 2.1388888889 yards.