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Q: What is the representational form of a number?
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What is a representational prop in drama?

A representational prop in drama is related to the drama form being representational, in simpler terms, realistic drama. Making a representational prop a realistic prop. E.G. a candle, a suitcase or a pen. Where as a presentational prop would be non-realistic E.G. a giant bug, a fairy on the shoulder etc.

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A biomorph is a non-representational form based on the shape or appearance of a living organism.

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It is clearly representational, although not realistic.

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The US Virgin Islands have a representational form of government, with a Governor elected by the people.

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Representational voting is when the member votes for what their people back home would want.

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Representational thought occurs first, because in order to know that something exists without being able to see or touch it (object permanence), you must be able to picture it in your head (representational thought)