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you round it up

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Q: What is the rule in rounding a number when the last digit to be dropped is 5?
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How do you round 208 to the nearest ten?

To round any number look at the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to. If the digit is 4 or less, leave the digit in the place you are rounding to as it is. If the digit to the right is 5 or more, change the digit you are rounding to to the next higher digit. In either case, change all the digits to the place you are rounding to to zeros. 208 rounded to the nearest ten is 210.

What is the greatest number can be rounded to 6000?

6500 There is a rule in rounding off that says if the first digit dropped is 5 and all the other figures dropped are either 0 or not available, and the last kept figure is even, then the figure kept must not be changed

What is the greatest number rounded to 600 if rounding to the nearest hundred?


When you round a number what should you do with the digit to the right?

Throw it away. That's what rounding means.Before doing so, though, depending on the rounding method you're using you may need to look at it. In general you round the last digit kept down if the next digit is 0-4, and round the last digit kept up if the next digit is 5-9, but there are some fiddly little details that result in a variety of methods.

What is the nearest hundred thousand to 707038051?

To round to the nearest 100,000, you drop the last five digits - i.e., replace them by zeros. If the leftmost digit is a 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, you then add one to the first (rightmost) digit that you didn't drop. The same procedure applies to rounding in general; except for the number of digits dropped.

What is the last digit of the number 42012?

The last digit of the number 42012 is 2.

Is 2113 an odd or even?

Look at the last digit. If a number's last digit is even, the number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.

What is 18.87634 rounded to one decimal place?

Rounding numbers involves making the last number requested the last digit in the number and replacing all numbers after it with zeros.18.87634 rounded to one decimal place is 18.9.

Is 83059 a even number?

Look at the last digit. If the last digit is even, the entire number is even. If the last digit is odd, the entire number is odd.

When rounding do you ever go down?

Yes. You should do about half the time. Except that you do not replace the last digit by a lower digit - you just delete all the digits after the required one. That is, actually, reducing the value of the number.

What is a three digit number when rounded of the answer is 200?

If rounded to the nearest 100, then any number between 150 and 250. If rounded to the nearest 10, any between 195 and 205. [For rounding fives, I round so that the last digit after rounding is even. This avoids the bias introduced when you always round up 5s or always round down 5s.]

What is the definition of rounding?

Rounding means reducing the digits in a number while trying to keep it's value similar. The result is less accurate, but easier to use. This is the common method * Decide which is the last digit to keep * Increase it by 1 if the next digit is 5 or more (this is called rounding up) * Leave it the same if the next digit is less than 5 (this is called rounding down) Example: 243 rounded to the nearest ten is 240 (because 3 is less than 5)