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1. like sign, add their absalute value & copy the common sign.

2. unlike signs. subtruct their absalute value & copy the sing of the bigger number.


1. change the sign of the subrahend (if + change to - & if - change to +)

2. then go back to the rules in addition.

multiplying & dividing

1. likes signs, simply perform the operation then the answer's sign would be (+) positive

2. unlike signs, simply perform the operation then the answer's sign would be (-) negative

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Q: What is the rules in solving integers?
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When solving an algebra question with integers can the answer be a decimal?

Yes, or it can be a fraction as well.

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The rules for solving word problems are read the problem, decide what you need to do, solve the problem, and check your answer.

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The rules are the same.

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There is no such thing as "solving integers". You can solve an equation, which means finding all the unknowns in that equation, but you can't solve an integer.

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I am not at all sure that there are any rules that apply to integers in isolation. Any rules that exist are in the context of binary operations like addition or multiplication of integers.

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to subtrct integers ,rewrite as adding opposites and use the rules for addtion of integers..

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What is the rules for subtracting integers with like signs?

They become positive integers for instance - - 2 = 2

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Because it is.

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Integers are whole numbers. 1 3/4 is not a integer whereas 1 is.

What is the rule on integers?

Rule 1: The term is integer, not interger.Rule 2: The answer depends on what you want to do with it or them.