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Q: What is the second odd number in mathematics?
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What is the 100 odd number?

199 The first odd number is 1 The second odd number is 3 The rth odd number is thus 2r - 1 Thus the 100th odd number is 2 x 100 - 1 = 199.

What is the second prime and odd number?

The first prime number that is odd is 3, so the second odd prime number is 5. Some think 1 is the first prime nunber, but 1 is neither prime nor composite.

Why is and odd number minus an even number odd?

Because the second number from an odd number is odd, and every other number is an odd number. In fact, if you add or subtract an even number with any number, the result keeps the same parity as the other number. So an odd number minus an even number is odd, while an even number minus and even number is even.

What are all the odd consecutive numbers?

Two odd numbers are said to be consecutive if there are no other odd numbers in between. This happens when the first number is odd, and the second number is two more than the first number.

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Is 7110 a odd number?

In the arts of mathematics, any whole number which is not a multiple of 2 is called as an ODD NUMBER.Example : 4 is not an odd number, because 4 is 2 times 2 , similarly 8 is 4 times 2 , such multiples of 2 are called even numbers.Your Number : 7110 is 3555 times 2, so it is not an odd number and hence an even number.

Why is the product of two odd numbers is odd?

Here's the following proof that "product of two odd numbers is odd". Proof: Any odd number can be written in the form 2p+1. Let your first odd number be written in this form. Let your second odd number be written as 2q+1 - essentially the same form as above, but since p may not equal q, separate variables are used. Thus: First odd number x second odd number = (2p+1)(2q+1) = 2pq + 2p +2q +1. The plus one on the end indicates that the product is odd, as required.

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Odd minus even?

Let's do a small experiment with a few numbers to see we can find out.3 - 2 = 1, Odd when the first number is odd and larger than the second number which is even and smaller.5 - 12 = -7, Odd when the first number is odd and smaller than the second number which is even and larger.Based on the Inverse commutative property, switching the first number for an even would yield the same number except it's inverse.(a - b) = c(b - a) = -c2 - 3 = -112 - 5 = 7So it looks that an odd number minus an even number results in an odd number.