

What is the shape of spdf?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is the shape of spdf?
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What are spdf levels?

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Internet Explorer or Adobe Reader

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The names are historical; they come from spectroscopy.

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1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3s2 3p6…so on

Why shielding effect order is spdf?

its because of the size difference. s orbital is very compared to other orbitals therefore

What is the Electron configuration for Cu using spdf?

Mg: 1s2- 2s2 - 2p6 - 3s2

Cr2o3 is which magnetic material?

I do not understand your question. Are you referring to what element Cr is? If so, it is chromium. The full name of Cr2O3 is chromium oxide. If you are looking for valence electron levels use the SPDF valence shell ranges.

Why spdf stands in the periodic table?

s,p,d and f are designations for the four different types of subshells. s is spherical in shape and has only one orientation in three dimensional space. p has a dumbbell shape and has three orientations: Px, Py and Pz. d has a double dumbbell shape and has 5 orientations. Dxy, Dyz, Dxz, Dx2-y2, Dz2 f has a complex shape and has 7 orientations. Each orbital can hold 2 electrons. s having only 1 orientation can hold only 2 electrons. p having 3 orientations, has 3 orbitals, each having the capacity to hold 2 electrons, so it can totally hold (3X2=) 6 electrons. Similarly d can hold (5X2=) 10 electrons and f can hold (7X2=) 14 electrons. The letters s, p, d, f respectively stand for sharp, principal, diffused and fundamental. In the periodic table depending on which sub-shell is the valence shell (outermost) we have the spdf blocks. The s-block is the alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. The p-block is the non-metals and metalloids. The d-block has the transition metals. The f-block has lanthanides and actinides(mostly radioactive).