India's area in Square Kilometers - 3,287,240km2 (Total)
2,973,190km2 (Land)
The area of India is about 1,269,346 square miles or 3.28 million square kilometers
India's area is 3,287,590km2
No. The US has an area of 9,826,675 square kilometers. India has an area of 3,287,590 square kilometers, about 1/3 as much.
India's area is 1,270,000 square miles (3,290,000 square kilometers).
Total land area in india - 2973190 square kilometers.
It is 3,287,590 square kilometers
India is about 1,269,210 square miles, or 3,287,240 square kilometers, of which about 9.56% is water.
The area of Malappuram district in Kerala, India is approximately 3,550 square kilometers.
The area of Karimganj district in the state of Assam, India is approximately 1,809 square kilometers.
Chembakolli is a small village in India with an approximate area of around 2 square kilometers.
India has a total land area of approximately 3.287 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to 3.287 trillion square meters.
India contains 2,973,190 square kilometers (1147955.08 square miles) of land. For comparison, this amount is slightly more than 1/3rd of the United States. It also claims 314,400 sqare kilometers of water (121,390.519 square miles), giving it a total territory of 3,287,590 square kilometers (1,269,345.6 square miles)