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If it's a regular 9 sided nonagon then each interior angle is 140 degrees and they all add up to 1260 degrees

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Q: What is the size of the interior angles of a 9 sided shapes?
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What is the size of an interior angle on a regular 15-sided shape?

156 degrees Sum of interior angles of a polygon=180(n-2), where n is the number of sides. To find one interior angle's measure, divide by the total number of angles, which is also the total number of sides.

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What is the size of the interior angles in a 17 sided shape?

The formula for finding the interior angles of a shape with n sides is ((n-2)*180)/n. Thus, we have ((17-2)*180)/17 = (15*180)/17 = 2700/17 = 158.824 degrees.

What is the angle size for an 15 sided shape?

The sum of the interior angles of a n-gon is (n-2)*180 degrees. So the sum of the interior angles of a 15-gon would be (15-2)*180 degrees = 2340 degrees. If the 15-gon is regular then all its interior angles are equal. In that case, each would be 2340/15 = 156 degrees.

What are the size of the interior angles in a triangle?

The 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees

What is the size of an interior angle on a 15 sided shape?

Providing that it is a regular 15 sided polygon then each interior angle will be 156 degrees

What is the size of each interior angle of a 12 sided polygon?

If it is a regular 12 sided polygon then each interior angle is 150 degrees.