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The negative reciprocal of the slope of the line to which it is perpendicular.

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Q: What is the slope of a perpendicular line is always?
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What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to a line with slope of 3 over 5?

-5/3 it is always the opposite reciprocal for a perpendicular slope

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What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular?

If the line has a slope of 2, then the perpendicular line has a slope of -1/2. The slope of a perpendicular line is the negative reciprocal. Another example would be if the slope of a line is -1/4, then the slope of the perpendicular is 4.

What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to a line with a slope of .33?

Perpendicular lines have slopes whose product is -1. As this is always true, if we think of .33 as about 1/3, then the perpendicular line would have a slope of -1/(1/3) which is -3.

What is the slope of a line perpendicular to a line whose slope is 3?

Slope of a line = m slope of perpendicular line = -1/m

What is the slope of a line that lies perpendicular to a line with a slope of 1 5?

The line perpendicular to a line with a slope of 1/5 has a slope of -5.

What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to it?

The slope of a line perpendicular to one with a slope of m is -1/m.

What is a perpendicular line referring to slope in math?

The slope of a perpendicular line is not defined.

What is the relationship between slope and a perpendicular line?

If a line has a slope m then a line perpendicular to it has a slope -1/m ( negative inverse). For example if a line has slope positive 2, its perpendicular has slope -1/2

What is the slope of perpendicular lines?

The slope of a perpendicular line is not defined.

If one slope is -1 what is the slope of the perpendicular slope?

The slope of the perpendicular is the negative reciprocal of the slope of a line. In this case, - (1 / -1) = 1.The slope of the perpendicular is the negative reciprocal of the slope of a line. In this case, - (1 / -1) = 1.The slope of the perpendicular is the negative reciprocal of the slope of a line. In this case, - (1 / -1) = 1.The slope of the perpendicular is the negative reciprocal of the slope of a line. In this case, - (1 / -1) = 1.

How do you find a slope of a line perpendicular?

If two nonvertical lines are perpendicular, then the product of their slope is -1.An equivalent way of stating this relationship is to say that one line is perpendicular to another line if its slope is the negative reciprocal of the slope of the other. For example, if a line has slope 3, any line having slope - 1/3 is perpendicular to it. Similarly, if a line has slope - 4/5, any line having the slope 5/4 is perpendicular to it.