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Q: What is the slope of the line given by the equation y equals one half x 9?
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What is the slope of the line given by the equation y equals one half x - 9?

1/2 An equation of the form y = mx + c has slope m and intercept with the y-axis of c.

What is the equation of a line that is parallel to the line represented by y equals three fourthx- one half?

y = 0.75x+0.5 For the equation to be parallel the slope must be the same but the y intercept must be different

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What is the slope of 1 half y equals x?


Y equals one half x-3what is the slope?

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What is the slope of the graph of 6X plus 12Y equals 7?

negative one and a half

What is the slope of the line by the equation y equals .5x?

y=0.5x Gradient is 0.5 (half of 1) To explain how that equation works, every time y increases by 1, x increases by half. When drawn to the same scale for both x and y axis on the graph, it is 30 degrees upwards from the x-axis.

What is the y-intercept and the slope of y plus 2 and a half equals 3 sevenths x?

To determine the answers to your question, we need to put the equation in the standard slope/intercept form of y = mx + c........where m is the slope and c is the y intercept. y + 21/2 = 3/7x Then y = 3/7x - 21/2 So, we have a slope of 3/7 and a y intercept of -21/2.

How do you sketch this function y equals absolute value of 3x?

The graph of that function looks like a big letter ' V '. The point of the 'V' is at the origin,the left half has slope = -3, and the right half has slope = 3.

What is the slope of a line parallel to the line 2x plus 4y equals 8?

Minus one half, (-1/2).

What is the slope of y equals one half x plus 2?

You will never succeed in life if you can't solve problems yourself!

In this equation x plus y equals 8 and y equals 3x your answer is x equals 2 and y equals 5 and Is your answer correct?

Half correct because x = 2 and y = 6