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Q: What is the slope that represents no motion in a distance time graph?
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What does the slope of the distance time graph represent?

The slope of a distance-time graph represents speed.

How do you know there is no motion on a distance time-graph?

distance = velocity x time so on the graph velocity is slope. If slope is zero (horizontal line) there is no motion

What motion does a steep slope on a distance time graph show?

Steep slope on a distance/time graph indicates high speed.

The slope of a line on a distance time graph represents?

The slope of a line on a distance-time graph represents the speed or velocity. The steeper the line is and the greater the slope of the line is, the faster the object is moving.

The slope of a line on a distance-time graph represents .?


Can you calculate speed from a motion graph?

If you graph distance vs. time, the slope of the line will be the average speed.

What does the slope of a distance uersus time graph show you about the motion of an object?


Can an object said to have uniform motion if the slope of distance time graph is uniform?


What does the slope of a distance vs time graph indicate about an object's motion?

instantaneous velocity

What feature of a distance ortime graph represents speed?

slope of the graph ... actually the absolute value of the slope, actual slope, positive or negative, would indicate direction, so the slope would be velocity.

When the motion of an object is shown by a straight line on a distance versus time graph with distance on the y axis what will the slope of the line be?

the slope would be speed.

What does the slope of a distance versus-time graph show about the motion of an object?

the slope show the velocity of the object which show its direction and magnitude.