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Distinct would mean they are all different, so take the 3 lowest primes and multiply them:

2*3*5 = 30

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Q: What is the smallest composite number that has 3 distinct prime factors?
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What is the smallest number composite that has 4 distinct prime factors?

How about: 210

Why is 25 a composite number?

A composite number is a number that is not a prime number, ie it has more than two distinct factors. The factors of 25 are 1, 5, 25 - three distinct factors.

Differentiate prime numbers and composite numbers?

A prime number is a whole number that has only two distinct factors: 1 and the number itself. A composite number has at least three distinct factors.

Why is 2 the smallest prime number?

Starting from beginning we see that 0 has infinite factors so it is a composite number and 1 is neither prime nor composite. The next number is 2 which has only two factors so it is the smallest Prime number.

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A composite number is a number with more than 2 positive integer factors. The smallest such odd number is 9.

What is the smallest composite number that has 4 different factors?

6, with factors 1, 2, 3 and 6.

What is the smallest composite number?

The smallest composite number is 44

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What do you call a number that's neither prime or composite?

One.By definition numbers are:prime if they have only 2 distinct factors (namely 1 and the number itself);composite if they have 3 or more distinct factorsThe important thing to note is the word distinct. The number 1 has only 1 distinct factor, namely 1; thus it is neither a prime (the first prime number is 2) nor composite.

What is the smallest composite number that has the five smallest prime numbers as factors?

It is 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 × 11 = 2310

Is the smallest composite number 2?

No. The number 2 is a prime number. The smallest, positive composite number is 4.