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One, if you use different variables. For example, a + b + 1.

Two, if you use a single variable and only use positive integral powers. For example, x2 + 5x - 6.

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Q: What is the smallest degree a trinomial can have?
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What are three types of polynomials?

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They are placed largest to smallest.

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Zero is.

What are the degree of polynomials?

The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents. Example: 28x3yn2. Although the letters are different, the degree is 3+1+2. The 1 is understood above the y. So the degree is 6. The degree of anything besides a monomial is the highest degree of the other monomials. For example: 77a3b5c6+100xyz. | | 3+5+6 1+1+1 14 3 Although the 100 is the bigger number, the degree of this binomial is 14. The same is for a trinomial etc. You just find the degree of all monomials. The highest degree is the degree the whole binomial/trinomial ect. I hope I helped!

What is the smallest degree a polynomial can have?

The smallest is 0: the polynomial p(x) = 3, for example.

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What is a trinomial?

A trinomial is a polynomial with three unlike terms. Ex3n + 7x + 8y6xy is a trinomial?false . . . .A+

On which temperature scale does 1 degree represent the smallest change in temperature?

The Fahrenheit scale change of 1 degree is smallest when compared to Celsius change. 1.8 degrees Celsius is 1 degree Fahrenheit

What is the smallest reflex angle possible?

181 degree

Can a trinomial have four terms?

no- by definition, a trinomial has exactly three terms.