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Q: What is the smallest factor in 7 and 9?
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Which is the smallest multiple of 7 which is divisible by 9?

The smallest multiply of 7 divisible by 9 is the lowest common multiple of 7 and 9: lcm(7, 9) = 63.

What is a not a common factor for one hundred eighty and six hundred?

The smallest "non common" factors of 180 and 600 are: 7 - is not a factor of either 8 - is only a factor of 600 9 - is only a factor of 180

What is the least common factor of 9 and 21?

Answer: 1 The factors of 9 are 1, 3, and 9. The factors of 21 are 1, 3, 7, and 21. The common factors are 1 and 3; the least (smallest) common factor is 1.

What is the least factor of 49?

7 The factors of 49 are 1, 7, and 49. The least (or smallest) factor is 1.

Why is 7 the greatest common factor of 28 and 63?

7 is a factor of 28 because 4 x 7 equals 28. 7 is a factor of 63 because 9 x 7 = 63. That makes 7 a common factor of 28 and 63. The factors of 28 that are larger than 7 are 14 and 28. The factors of 63 that are larger than 7 are 9, 21 and 63. Since none of those numbers are the same, that makes 7 the greatest common factor of 28 and 63.

What is the smallest number that has 4 6 and 9 as its factor?

It is: 36

What is the greatest common factor 7 21 42 126 252 756?

The greatest common factor must be a factor of the smallest number. The smallest number is 7. Its factors are 1 and 7. So the greatest common factor must be either 1 or 7. Since 7 is the larger of the two factors, check whether it is a factor of the additional numbers. Since it is, 7 is the greatest common factor.

Same multiple of 7 and 9?

63 is the smallest multiple of 7 and 9

Let S be the set of numbers from 1-100 whose smallest prime factor is 7 How many numbers are in S?

There are two numbers, 7 and 49, whose smallest prime factor is 7 in the set of numbers from 1 to 100.

What's the range of 3 -9 7 -1 5 -4 2?

The answer is 16. The range is the difference between the largest and smallest values: Largest: 7 Smallest: -9 Difference = 7 - (-9) = 16

What is the smallest common factor for both 9 and 18?

The least common factor of any set of numbers is 1.