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Q: What is the smallest perimeter for 48m2?
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What is the biggest perimeter that has an area of 48M2?

6 x 8

What is the largest and the smallest perimeter possible for a rectangle with a area of 24cm2?

The smallest perimeter is 4*sqrt(24) = approx 19.6 cm There is no largest perimeter.

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What is the largest and smallest perimeter possible for a rectangle with a area of 100?

The smallest is just over 40 units. At 40 units it is no longer a rectangle but a square. There is no largest perimeter.

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What is the largest and smallest perimeter possible for a rectangle with a area of 42?

Largest = 86, Smallest 26

Find the dimensions of the rectangle with an area of 100 square units and whole-number side lengths that has the largest perimeter or the smallest perimeter?

Type your answer here... give the dimensions of the rectangle with an are of 100 square units and whole number side lengths that has the largest perimeter and the smallest perimeter

What is the smallest perimeter area 49cm?

I think this means we have a shape with a perimeter 39cm and we are asked what is the smallest area. It is a rectangle of length 19.5cm and width zero. Or perhaps it should read area 49 cm squared., what is the smallest periimeter. A circle with 49=pi x r2. Then perimeter=pi x 2r

How do you describe a rectangle with the given area that has the smallest perimeter?


What type of rectangle has the smallest perimeter for the same area?

A square.

What is the smallest figure with a perimeter of 20 but the smallest possible area?

A 9 x 1 rectangle has a perimeter of 20 and an area of 9; A 9.5 x 0.5 rectangle has the same perimeter but an area of 4.75; You can go a long way along this road...