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2 is the smallest prime factor of 12.

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Q: What is the smallest positive prime number of 12?
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Is 12 the smallest distinct prime factor?

No, 12 is not a prime number.

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tan(3x)=1 3x= PI/4 x=PI/12 is the smallest positive number

What is the smallest prime factor of twelve is?

The smallest prime factor of 12 is 2.

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What is the smallest positive multiple of 13 for which the sum of its digits is prime?

Start with the smallest multiple of 13 and continue with the next smallest until finding one that fits the specifications. 13, sum of digits is 1 + 3 = 4 which is not prime 26, sum of digits is 2 + 6 = 8 which is not prime 39, sum of digits is 3 + 9 = 12 which is not prime 52, sum of digits is 5 + 2 = 7 which is prime So, 52 is the smallest positive multiple of 13 for which the sum of its digits is prime.

How do you express a whole number as a product of its primes?

This is called a prime factorization. 1. Start with the smallest prime that evenly divides into the number and divide. 2. Take the answer and divide by the smallest prime that evenly divides into the number .... repeat, until no longer divisible by any prime but itself. ex: 12 ..... 12 divide by 2 = 6 6 divide by 2 = 3 (3 is a prime) ans... 2x2x3

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What is the smallest prime factor for 12?


What it is the smallest prime factor of 12?


What is the smallest counting number n that would make 12n a perfect square?

Smallest positive integer number is 3 12(3) = 36 36 is equals to 62. Next one would be n = 12 12(12) = 144 144 is 122

Is 12 a composite number?

A composite number is a positive integer having at least one factor other than 1 and the number itself. -12 is not a positive integer.