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Coal, Wood, Electricity or Gas

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Q: What is the source of heat in a conventional oven?
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Can you heat quiche in microwave oven?

No - you will get food poisoning - do not heat quiche in a microwave oven - use a conventional oven & heat thoroughly

What is the difference between a conventional oven and a convection oven?

The primary difference between the conventional and convection ovens can probably be summed up by saying one thing: A convection oven is a conventional oven with a fan inside the oven cavity to circulate the hot air. The addition of the fan promotes the movement of heat by convection, and this reduces cooking time. Convection already occurs in the conventional oven, but on a limited basis. The fan kicks the process up several notches. Convection in this case is the transfer of heat from the heat source to the food item by the moving air. Air atoms and molecules pick up heat from the heating elements and carry it around in the oven cavity. The air will then transfer that heat to whatever is in there that is cooler than the heated air. The air then returns to the heat source to repeat the cycle. When thinking this through, it becomes clear that the addition of the fan gives the oven's performance a big lift. There are units on the market what include microwave capability as well, and they add another step of complexity. Microwave cooking to augment conventional thermal cooking adds another dimension to the cooking performance of the appliance.

Is a oven a lever?

No it is not a oven is a heat source

Where is the source of heat in a conventional oven?

If you mean an oven like we have in our homes: either gas or electricity. Some people have a wood stove and can bake in it but that's rare. has propane ovens.

Dry heat in a conventional oven causes baked products to become?


What is the difference between a fan oven and a conventional oven?

A conventional oven has temperature controlled by a thermostat and is designed to give an even heat.A wood burning oven takes some practice to control the heat, but gives a pleasant slight smoky flavour to the food, and cooks quickly with a radiant heat. With the right set-up, the oven base of stone gives a good crispiness to the pizza base.

How does energy efficiency of conventional oven compare to microwave oven?

compare microwave oven to conventional oven

What is a source of heat?

a fire or an oven of some sort

Is a conventional oven the same as regular oven?

That is what conventional means, yes

What is a common source of heat?

a fire or an oven of some sort

What the different between conventional cooking and micro-bake cooking?

Conventional oven cooking is just that. Cooking something, or baking it rather, in a conventional oven. Micro-baking is where one takes a food item, frozen pizza for example, and nukes it in the microwave or a period of time before putting it in the conventional oven to finish. If done properly you get the same quality as conventional oven cooking in less time without the soggy results of only cooking in the microwave.

What is a convention oven?

An oven is a thermally insulated chamber mainly used for cooking. Conventional ovens rely on radiation from the oven walls to transfer heat to the food.