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square root of 12 = sq rt of (4 x3) = 2 x sq rt 3

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2 times the square root of 3

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Q: What is the square root of 12 in simplest form?
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Expressed as a surd in its simplest form, sqrt(27) + sqrt(12) = 5 sqrt(3). Expressed as a decimal, rounded to two decimal places, this is equal to 8.66.

What is the square root of 12 in simplest radical form?

sqrt(12) = sqrt(4*3) = sqrt(4)sqrt(3) = 2sqrt(3)

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The two whole numbers closest to 162 in square root form are 12 and 13.

Is the square root of 12 a rational number?

The square root of 12 is not a rational number. In fact, it is a radical number. It's simplified form would be 2 multiplied by the square root of 3.

What is the square root Of 144 in radical form?

i think it is 12

What is the square root of 288t in radical form?

It is 12*sqrt(2t).

What is the product of the square root of 8 and square root of 12?

4*sqrt(6) sqrt(8)*sqrt(12)=sqrt(96) [because sqrt(a)*sqrt(b)=sqrt(a*b)] To get sqrt(96) in simplest form, find the largest perfect square that is a factor of 96. This is 16 (since 16 is a perfect square and 16*6=96). So in simplest form, sqrt(96)=sqrt(16)*sqrt(6)=4*sqrt(6).

What is the simliest radical form of 144?

The square root of 144 is 12