

What is the strongest solid?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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16y ago

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Natural - diamond, artificial - how knows.

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Dimonds all the way!

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Q: What is the strongest solid?
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What is the hardest solid?

diamond is the strongest solid; almost impossible to break (:

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This is a solid.

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Which state of matter has the strongest forces of attraction between particles?

The state of matter that has the strongest bond is called a solid. Liquids are another state of matter, however, they provide the weakest bond.

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The state of matter that has the strongest bond is called a solid. Liquids are another state of matter, however, they provide the weakest bond.

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because friction is strongest on the solidest substance, so it would be strongest on a solid, then a semisolid, then a liquid, then a is not so prevelent on snow thus gliding is easy an skiing too.

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Earth has the strongest gravitational pull.

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Nuclear energy. Me-No no no I meant like non-liquid but liquid and solid and when it can become a beam.

Which state of matter contains particles held tightly in a rigid structure?

Definitely solid, which in this state molecules of matter is bonded with strongest intermolecular force (comparing to th eother state).