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Q: What is the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a regular hexgon?
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Related questions

How many right angles in a hexgon?

There are no right angles in a regular hexagon although it's possible to have right angles in an irregular hexagon.

How many angles is in a hexgon?

there are six angles in a hexagon. In a regular hexagon (all of the angles are the same size) they each measure 120 degrees

What shape is a polygon with five sides?

hexgon hexgon

What is the permeter of a relguar hexgon of the sides of 32 cintermeters?

The perimeter (not permeter) of a regular (not relguar) hexagon (not hexgon) whose sides are 32 centimetres - or centimeters if you are from the US - (but not cintermeters) is 32*6 = 192 centimetres.

How much lines of symmetrical does a hexgon have?

Six. From corner to corner x 3 and from centre of edge to centre of edge x 3. This is assuming it's a regular hexagon.

How many axis of symmetry in a hexgon?

There need not be any. Maximum 6.

What is different from a hexagon and octagon?

A hexgon has six sides and an octagon has eight.

How do you draw a hexgon?

Compasses.Use a pair of compasses, and draw a circle with a radius of the length you wish the hexagon sides to be.Place the point of the compass at any point on the circumference on the circle and - without changing the distance between the pencil and the point, mark the two places where range of the pencil crosses the circumference. go to the marks you made and make two new marks on the circumference where the range of the pencil crosses it. From one of these marks make a sixth mark.Now, join each mark to its neighbours by a straight line.Protractor.Draw a straight line and make two marks on it, as far apart as you wish the sides of the hexagon to be. At each point, centre the protractor and mark where 60º is from the mark on the line. Join the two marks and measure out the length of the side of the hexagon.Repeat the angle-measuring from the two new points, to get the last two angles of the hexagon. Join each mark to its neighbours by a straight line.