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Q: What is the sum of the measures of the interior angle of a regular polgon if each exterior angle measures 120?
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Each exterior angle of a regular polgon measures 20 degrees. How many sides does the polgon have?

18 because if exterior = 20 degrees, then the interior must equal 160 degrees... using the formula: (n-2)x180=160n... (n-2)180=160n 180n-360=160n 180n-160n-360 20n=360 n=18

How many sides does a regular polygon have if its interior angles are 175 degrees give reasons?

Presumably you mean each interior angle measures 175 degrees if so then it will have 72 sides because angles on a straight line add up to 180 degees 180-175 = 5 degrees (the exterior angle) The exterior angles of the polgon add up to 360 degrees 360/5 = 72 sides

How many sides does a polygon have if the exterior angle is 30?

If its a regular polgon and each exterior angle is 30 degrees then it will have 360/30 = 12 sides

Each interior angle on a polygon is 160 how many sides are there?

It wil be a regular 18 sided polgon

What is the exterior angle of a 32 sided shape?

If it's regular polgon then: 360/32 = 11.25 degrees The exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360 degrees

What is the size of each interior angle of a regular polygonwith 18 sides?

160 degrees. The sum of all interior angles in a N-sided polygon = (N-2)*180°If the polygon is regular, then divide by N, so each angle is (1-2/N)*180°Additional Information:-The exterior angles of any polgon add up to 360 degrees. So if it is a regular polygon simply divide the number of sides into 360 which will give each exterior angle and to find its interior angle is: 180 - exterior angle.In this case: 360/18 = 20 degrees exterior angle.180 -20 = 160 degrees interior angle.

What is the size of each interior angle in a polygon with 28 sides?

Providing that it is a regular 28 sided polgon then each interior angle will measure: 1670 8' 34.29''

Measure of interior angle is 174 on a regular polgon how many sides are there?

60 sides 180-174 = 6 360/6 = 60

What is the sum of the exterior angles of 50-gon?

The sum of the exterior angles of a polgon - no matter how many sides - is 360 degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angle of the convex polgon hexagon?

720 degrees

Is a hexagon a not regular polgon?

An hexagon is a 6 sided polygon that can be regular or irregular