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Q: What is the supplement of 150 degrees?
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What is the supplement of the complement of 60 degrees?

The complement of 60 degrees is 30 degrees. Then the supplement of 30 degrees is 150 degrees. Answer: 150 degrees

What is the supplement of a 150 degree angle?

A pair of supplementary angles adds up to 180 degrees. Therefore, the supplement to a 150 degree angle is 180 - 150 = 30 degrees.

What is the complement and supplement of a 150 degrees angle?

supplement: 30 degrees.complement: No true answer. -60 degrees I guess. 150 is already > 90complementary anglesplural of com·ple·men·ta·ry an·gleNoun:Either of two angles whose sum is 90°. def. credit: Google

What is The supplement of a 28 degree angle?

152 degrees. A supplement is an angle that is added on to another angle to make 180 degrees. e.g., "the supplement of 100 would be 80" or "the supplement of 150 would be 30. The two angles will always add up to 180.

What is the name of the supplement of a 150 degree angle?

It is an angle measuring 30 degrees. But such an angle does not have a specific name.

Is the supplement of an acute angle a obtuse angle?

yes. the supplement adds to the acute angle to make 180 degrees. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. Example: acute angle is 30 degrees. 180-30 is 150, which is obtuse.

An angle is five times its supplement find its measure what is the measurement of the angle?

The angles are: 150+30 = 180 degrees

Supplement of 45?

135 degrees is the supplement of 45 degrees. When you minus 45 degrees from 180 degrees you will get 135 degrees which is the supplement angle of 45 degrees.

What is the supplement of 120 degrees?

60 degrees

What is the supplement of 75.5 degrees?

the supplement is 104.5 degrees

What is the supplement of 32 degrees?

Supplement of 32 degrees = (180 -32) = 148 degrees

What is supplement of 125 degrees?

Supplement = 180 - 125 = 55 degrees.