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1520.531 square cm rounded to 3 d.p.

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What is the surface area of a soccer ball with a diameter of 22cm?

Surface area = 4*pi*112 = 1520.531 cm2 rounded to 3 d.p.

What surface area is larger baseball or soccer?

A soccer ball has a larger radius than a baseball, so it has more surface area.

How do you find the surface area of a ball that has a diameter of 68 mm?

Surface area of the ball = 4*pi*342 = 4624*pi square mm

Surface area of a hockey puck?

The answer to that question me friend is research :)

What is the surface area of a soccer ball that has 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons?

A regulation size 5 soccer ball has a circumference between 68 and 70 centimeters. This translates into a surface area between 1471.865 cm2 and 1559.718 cm2.

If a ball is 4 inches in diameter what is its surface area?

Surface area = 4*pi*22 = 50.265 square inches to 3 d.p.

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the more surface area, the more friction, the more the drag

Surface area of a golf ball?

8.86683 square inches. (Area=4 X pi X radius squared) diameter of ball = 1.68 inches.

What is a footskill ball?

A foot-skill ball is a small (usually four inches in diameter) bean filled ball. The idea is to train on a much smaller surface than a soccer ball to improve your touch. If you can dribble well and have a clean touch on a four ball, then a full size soccer ball should be no problem!

Why does a tennis ball go farther and higher than a soccer ball with the same mass?

That is because of air resistance. Since the soccer ball has a greater surface area (and holds the same shape as the tennis ball), it will see greater air resistance against that surface, thus slowing it and stopping it quicker.

Calculate the area of the ball with a diameter of 12 metres?

Calculate the area of the ball with a diameter of 12 metres

What type of surface will slow a kicked soccer ball the fastest?

A bumpy surface