

What is the temperater out side?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What is the temperater out side?
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I do not know this answer sorry

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on the surface it is 5,778K or 6051 degrees C

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30,000 °c (54,000 °f)

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it is called temperater inversion

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Absolutely! With fish and poultry, an hour or two is enough.

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having ascariasis are parasites they use the food and water shown abnormalites hypo or hyper temperater

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The temperature sensor can be found just above the thermostat housing, on the front of the engine. The temperature sensor should be labeled as such.

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One way for a fire to burn at a different temperature is it's wood soft wood such as pine burn fast and hot but hard wood such as muscle wood burns slower and cooler but still hot enough to burn you so don't touch it

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Side Side Side Side Angle Side Angle Side Side Angle Side Angle Side Side Angle Angle Angle Side With Angle congruency and Side congruency in that order

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Side+side+side+side. Or 2(Side+side)

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During the day, clouds can absorb heat energy from the sun. This causes a warming effect on the Earth. At night, cloud cover will keep the heat within the Earth's atmosphere, which also has a warming effect. This is because hot air rises, it is trapped by the clouds and therefore the temperature remains moderately warm. This is why in deserts (where there isn't much cloud cover) it is baking hot in the day, but freezing at night.