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It's called a "double helix".

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Q: What is the term for the three dimensional shape of DNA?
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What is the three-dimensional shape of DNA?


What is the name for a three dimensional shape of DNA?

A double helix

What did Watson and crick call the three dimensional shape of DNA?

Double Helix

The three-dimensional shape of the DNA molecule is described as being?

A double helix

How did Watson and Crick determined the three-dimensional shape of DNA?

Watson and Crick used Franklin and Goslingâ??s â??Photo 51â?? to determine the three-dimensional shape of DNA. â??Photo 51â?? is the X-ray diffraction image of DNA that shows the pattern of DNA structure.

How did watson and Crick determine the three dimensional shape of DNA?

Watson and Crick used Franklin and Goslingâ??s â??Photo 51â?? to determine the three-dimensional shape of DNA. â??Photo 51â?? is the X-ray diffraction image of DNA that shows the pattern of DNA structure.

How did Watson and Crick determine the three-dimensional shape of DNA?

Fanklin's X-ray

what is a biomolecular structure?

Biomolecular structure is the intricate folded, three-dimensional shape that is formed by a molecule of protein, DNA, or RNA, and that is important to its function.

How did Watson and Crick determine the three dimensional of DNA?

Watson and Crick used Franklin and Goslingâ??s â??Photo 51â?? to determine the three-dimensional shape of DNA. â??Photo 51â?? is the X-ray diffraction image of DNA that shows the pattern of DNA structure.

What is the 3-d dimensional shape of the DNA molecule called?

double helix

Watson and Crick called a 3-dimensional shape of DNA an?

Double helix

What is the distinctive recurring pattern in DNA with a three dimensional structure?
