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Q: What is the term for vibrates in cycles per second in music?
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Related questions

What is another term for cycle per second?

Hertz (Hz) is a term for cycles per second.

What is the scientific term for the number of times electric wave vibrates each second?


The modern term Hertz means?

cycles per second.

What do you mean by the term music?

Sound is something which can be heard when it vibrates in the air due to its production by sources. It can be or cannot be in rhythm. " The sound which is in perfect rhythm is expressed as MUSIC."

How many cycles per second is equal to one megahertz?

No! 300 Megahertz is equal to 300 MILLION cycles per second. The unit "Hertz" is defined as cycles per second, and the prefix "Mega" means millions.

What is 800MHz?

The term "Mhz" stands for Megahertz, where hertz is the number of cycles per second, and Mega equals 1 000 000 (one million). Therefore, 800Mhz is 800x1000 cycles per second. The term Mhz is commonly applied in computers. For example, a 800Mhz Processor has 800 000 cycles/second and this is its computing speed.. In comparison, a common 2.3Ghz processor is much faster because it has 2 300 000 cycles/second.

What is the term for a voice that vibrates?


What is the term for a musical term that vibrates?

vibrato of someones voice

What term is used to define the number of cycles completed by a signal in one second?

Its frequency, in Hertz.

What are hertz described as?

Hertz is the term meaning cycles per second. Household current in the US is 60 hertz.

What is the term for number of vibrations per second?

Hertz are used to measure cycles per second. Sound is measured in hertz. I hope I understood the question.

What is a musical term for a voice that vibrates ending in ate?
