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The interior angles measure 360 degrees.

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Q: What is the total measure of all the interior sides of a four sided figure?
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What is the sum of the interior angle of a twenty sided polygon?

(20-2)*180 18*180 3240 The way that I remember this is that a triangle, 3 sides, has one triangle in it. A four sided figure, if you draw one diagonal, has 2 triangles in it. So there are 2 less triangles in a figure than the number of sides. A triangle's interior angle measure is 180 degrees.

If a figure has 8 sides what is the measure of its interior angles?

1080 degrees

How much are the sides of a nine sided figure?

A 9 sided polygon is a nonagon Its exterior angles add up to 360 degrees Its interior angles add up to 1260 degrees --------------------------------------------------------- Also the sides of a nine sided figure can not be sold separately.

What is the sum of the interior angle measure of 15 sides polygon?

The interior angles of a 15 sided polygon add up to 2340 degrees.

Interior measure of a convex polygon with four sides?

If interior measure means interior angles, their sum is 360 degrees. Also, whether the figure is convex is irrlevant.

What is a decagon and a polygon?

A decagon is a ten sided figure (usually a regular ten sided figure with all interior angles equal and all sides equal in length) A polygon is a closed planar figure bounded on all sides by straight lines. A polygon can have any number (greater than two) of sides.

How many sides does an 8 sided figure have?

Well if you have an 8 sided figure there is obviously 8 sides.

What is the measure of the interior angle of a 12 sided regular polygon?

The measure of each interior angle of a dodecagon, which is a 12 sided regular polygon, is 150o. This is found in any polygon by multiplying 2 less than the number of sides by 180o and then dividing the product by the number of sides. A dodecagon interior angle is then 10 x 180o/12 = 150o.

What is the measure of one interior angle of a regular polygon with 5 sides?

Each interior angle of a regular 5 sided pentagon measures 108 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angle measure of a parallelogram?

A parallelogram has four sides. All four sided figures have a sum of the interior angle measures equal to 360°.

What is a square in comparison to a triangle?

A square is 4 sided with sides of equal length and angles of equal measure A triangle is a three sided CLOSED figure

Does the sum of the interior angles of a rhombus equal 180 degrees?

No. The sum of the interior angles of any figure is [ 180 degrees x (2 less than the number of sides) ]. Any triangle . . . 180 degrees Any 4-sided figure, including a rhombus . . . 360 degrees Any 5-sided figure . . . 540 degrees Any 6-sided figure . . . 720 degrees . . . etc.