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I dont think it has uses in daily life..its just to find the area of a triangle

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How do trigonometry used in our daily life?

That depends on your profession. If you are a math teacher, then you might use a lot of Trig. If you are an engineer, working with forces on any object from different directions, then you would use trig. Electrical engineers use trig. Surveyors use trig.

How do you find the hypotenuse of a right triangle when only a side length and angle is given?

Dependent on what side you are given you would use Sin(Θ) = Opposite/Hypotenuse just rearrange the formula to Hypotenuse = Opposite/Sin(Θ). Or if you are given the adjacent side use Cosine(Θ)=Adjacent/Hypotenuse, then: Hypotenuse = Adjacent/Cosine(Θ)

What is the answer for convert 135 Fahrenheit into Celsius?

Temperature is easy to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius yourself. You can use the formula Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32) where Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. 135 F is 57 C.

Application of trignometry in real life?

If you work in engineering, you'll need trigonometry, and other advanced math topics, all the time. Otherwise, you can come along quite well without it, and will seldom find any practical use for it.

What formula do you use to find the perimerter of a SSA triangle?

An SSA triangle is ambiguous.Suppose the triangle is ABC and, with conventional labelling, you know a, b and angle A.Then by the cosine rule, a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc*Cos(A)This equation will give rise to a quadratic equation in cwhich has 2 solutions. The perimeter is then a + b + c1 or a + b + c2