

What is the value of 1 kelvin?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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Kelvin is the thermodynamic temperature (or absolute temperature) unit (S.I. unit).

One kelvin temperature interval is equal to one Celsius degree interval.

As interval, delta(T) = 1 K = 1oC.

e.g., "cool down a body 12oC" is equivalent to "cool down a body 12 K".

To find the equivalent Celsius temperature for a thermodynamic (or absolute) temperature in Kelvin, you have to recall that the "thermodynamic zero Kelvin temperature" ("absolute zero temperature") corresponds to -273.15oC. This and the

one-one interval relation gives you the following relation:

T(Kelvin) = T(Celsius degree) + 273.15

e.g., What is the equivalent absolute temperature in Kelvin for 20oC ?

T(K) = 20oC + 273.15 = 293.15 K ≈ 293 K

If you want to translate centigrade to Kelvin, from the previous relation you get:

T(oC) = T(K) - 273.15

e.g., What is the equivalent Celsius temperature for 500 K ?

T(oC) = 500 K - 273.15 = 226.85oC

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No, it is not. it can be seen when looking at the conversion factor of Kelvin to Celsius, let K=kelvin and C=celsius, then the equation is K=273.15+C, the units are changed but the value of change is the same.

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Kelvin is the SI unit for temperature. Fahrenheit is usually used in teh imperal systems. 1 Fahrenheit is equal to 0.555555555556 kelvin.The answer in Kelvin is 252.04

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1 Kelvin "degree" is the same as a "degree" in Celsius. The two scales just have different starting points. So 1 Kelvin degree is the same temperature interval as 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees. (The actual temperature 1°K is equal to -272.15°C or -457.87°F )

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well the conversion doesn't change the value as Kelvin and mL are interchangeable i.e. they will both have the same value.

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-195 degrees Celsius = 78.15 kelvin

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To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, you add 273. To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, you subtract 273.

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What is 1 degree kelvin in centigrade?

1 kelvin = -272.15 degrees centigrade.

Is one kelvin unit equivalent to 1 Fahrenheit?

No.1 Kelvin degree is equal to 1 Celsius degree. Kelvin starts at - 273.15 oC but each degree has the same size Kelvin and Celsius.

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How do you change kelvin to Celsius?

Add 273.15°. You cannot have less than 0 Kelvin or -273.15 Celsius.